Ákos packing...haha |
This past weekend I went on a missions' trip to SERBIA!! SingTeam–Timi, Andris, Noémi, Ákos, Samu, Kevin, Melissa, Anita, and myself–made our way down to Senta, Serbia on Wednesday afternoon. However, we didn't arrive until
late Wednesday night. What should have taken three or four hours took about nine. What happened?!! Well the border was packed because it was a Hungarian holiday; we stopped quite a bit; and spent probably an hour trying to find the Vika's house. Man, that was quite an adventure. But great fellowship, no doubt!
So Wednesday we unpacked, ate, and slept. Ate breakfast early, had devotionals, packed the van and went to the daycare in town. Nobody expected it to be a daycare for the mentally disabled but that's what it was! And it was
so much fun. Andris and Noémi started games and music and then all the kids were put into three groups. German Melissa, Anita Papp, and I were together with the lowest level. Melissa spoke about how Jesus "took us under His wings" and saved us from the fire. Cool chicken illustration, I must say. After the lesson I started playing basketball with all the boys. I think I played for an hour and only got the ball in the basket two times. Mal! The rest of Thursday was dedicated to lunch, fellowship, games, and a drive to Novi Sad. This city is so beautiful! I really want to go back.
Timi, Victoria, Kevin <3 <3
Friday was the same schedule with the kids at the daycare except that I taught about Noah and the ark. I linked it to the fact that Jesus saved us as well even though we are undeserving. We are either in the boat or not. Open air ministry followed after lunch and fellowship. The rest of Friday evening was more fellowship, food, and a movie that I totally fell asleep to.
Saturday was our work day! The girls started working on sanding the fence while the men started working on a storage area for all the Vika's summer camp equipment. I think I still have red paint dust in my ears! Not really.
While the Hungarian speakers and Serbian speakers had a Bible study time in the living room in the evening, which was not translated into English, us "internationals" went for a walk and search for dinner. Melissa, Kevin, and I picked up some Turkish delight, Schweppes, and chocolate. Not really sounding like dinner? No. But we did end up walking next to the river for 15 minutes until we got to the Roda Center where we went to a big Tesco type place where yogurt was purchased! Now that's dinner ;)
Sunday morning was a late morning, thankfully. After lunch, though, we packed up the van with SingTeam equipment and made our way to Kikinda where the oldest Vika son lives and goes to school. We performed and did a pantomime. Samu spoke from Hebrews 4:14-15 which speaks of the fact that Jesus is the high priest we can approach. Jesus is one that sympathizes with us in that He went through everything we go through. He was tempted in the same ways. It was really awesome because Samu spoke in English and Darko Vika translated it into Serbian! So awesome(:
my cutiepies! |
After our presentation as SingTeam we packed and ate and made our way back to the Vika's home, about an hour away. By 10 or so, we were on our way back to Tóalmás. By 1:30 am we were here. The Lord is ever faithful and wonderful! The trip was rocky and there were a lot of problems but I am certainly growing and increasing in my desire to be more like Jesus. Digging deep into His Word is the best thing to do. Ministry is pretty close there after ;)
That was a whole lot to write but I really want to convey how grateful I am for what the Lord is doing. He is working and alive!
"14 Therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest incapable of sympathizing with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way just as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help."
Hebrews 4:14-16