"I know that everything God does will remain forever;
there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it."
Ecclesiastes 3:14
another great 9 days have passed since i've written.
what have i done since then?! hmm...
this past friday morning was a morning full of practice with Sing Team. friday afternoon was filled with leaf raking!! the whole campus, including staff, were required to rake leaves either in the morning or the afternoon. my time was bitter cold. thank God for the Parrishes that gave me gloves about a month ago for the bitter cold.
Sing Team made the half hour trip to Pánd saturday after lunch to put on a concert for one of the churches there. the mayor introduced us and we sang. Andrís Tóth gave his testimony during the set. i realized while he was talking (because I couldn't understand three words in a row) that someone had to give the good news of Jesus Christ to those that are lost. i was so uncomfortable during this ministry because of the setting and because of the distractions going on in the crowd. i was so preoccupied with how i felt instead of remembering about how these people need the Word and salvation. from now on i don't care how i feel but will remember that it's the difference between life and death for some people.
immediately after this special chapel the whole campus (including students, teachers, teachers' families, and maintenance workers) all had a great meal together in the castle. what a precious time of fellowship to be had there!
it's thanksgiving this coming thursday. i'm so thankful for my family. increasingly so for my parents. i see how wonderful they are even from way far away. i am so grateful for what they have done for me and for the marvelous example they have shown to me throughout the years. the love that comes out of them for everyone is so overwhelming and pure. i am thankful for the hard work my parents put in so that i may be over here. i am thankful that they have never given up once on any of the eight kids. i am thankful for them in so many ways it's insane. serio.
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