No Prague, but Budapest indeed! This past Sunday I woke early and went to Budapest with the Sunday School teachers. We walked into Tóalmás to catch the bus that goes clear into Budapest. From the bus I totally saw California poppies in someone's garden!!!!

Finally we arrived at Danube International Church 30 minutes early so Nate Street and I went to Burger King for ice cream. Only 150 forints. Score. Then church where a Jews for Jesus representative preached about being in the midst of a storm. Sometimes the Lord doesn't take us right out. Sometimes the ship totally crashes and breaks apart. He always keeps us though.

The rest of the day was so weird. Nate Street, three Brazilian girls, and myself wandered around Budapest after eating at Burger King (so not authentic Hungarian food!!!). We walked the back streets; we rode the subway the wrong way; we rode the right way; and accidentally saw the Parliament building. Eventually we made it to the mall for a little bit of shopping only to miss the train back into Tóalmás. Then we hung out a bit only to miss the 7:15 train because it really came and left before 6:50. MAL. So we waited around for the 9:15 train that actually came at 9:50. We got back onto the WOL campus at 11:00. Good times.
Now this has been an interesting week! No school Monday and Tuesday but we made up for lost time by having school on Friday and Saturday. This week we went through the book of Galatians with a pastor from Jerusalem. It was really awesome being in his class. Plus, he gave chocolate to the whole class like...every day!! :-)
Today, Sunday, is the students' only day to rest before another week of classes. We will be going through the book of Psalms and are required to read the book before we are through with the class. That sounds like a big task, but I'm excited to dive into this wonderfully written, oh so poetical book.
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