Saturday, October 29, 2011


Lies. I didn't get the chance to go to Prague for this five day weekend. There are three more days left for this break but I literally have nothing to do. I've studied my brains out, played football with nine guys, and sat in my room for more hours than I would ever like to do again. I Skyped with my mother on Thursday like three times for 6 minutes each. And then on Friday morning I Skyped with her again because she was up at 1:30 her time or something crazy like that. So when she got tired she gave the computer to my sister so we Skyped til her time 3:30 in the morning!! Crazy Irene(:
The good thing about this weekend is that I am going to Budapest Sunday to go to Danube International Church in the morning and then shopping with a group of people after!!! Sight seeing is in order as well, I'm sure. 
Really, I'm just bored this weekend and writing to fill in time. Cause the only set things I have to do is breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Mal. And I learned some more Portuguese this week! I learned how to say "I'm pretty" in kind of a sneaky way. José, Felipe and I were hanging out Monday night after we took our exams and they kept telling me to say "Eu sou bonitinha." They didn't tell me what I was saying so apparently I've been walking around saying "I'm pretty!!"
Also, I say "mal" too much. In Portuguese you say it "mau." It's a fun word to use for anything! haha
I also have learned how to say something to the effect of "I'm a kitty." Você é gatinho. But apparently its more like "I'm cute like a little kitty." Kevin taught me that one.
beautiful Hungarian weather we are having
As I wrote previously, we went through the book of 1 John this past week in our studies. It's all about fellowship and being bonded with the brethren. Also, it talks a lot about being in the light and the fact that God's love is perfected through us. We have to learn five memory verses for our exam on Wednesday so I should get on that. But now that I think about it, I probably know more than I think I know. It's a really encouraging book to study and I'm so ready for the exam(:
And I really want a Teddy Bear to sleep with. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Amelia Sent me Socks!!!!

So many crazies after lunch(:

A whole eleven beautiful, magnificent, marvelous days have gone by since I have written. I promise I'll get good at this at some point in my life.
Last Thursday, the 20th, was a day without school for us here at the BI. Instead of being at school for five hours I spent my whole day practicing six Hungarian songs for about six and a half hours. Although they were two very long practices (with a lunch in between, of course), I am grateful for the time the group spent together. My throat was giving out on me because of the freezing cold and from the singing. Friday was a three hour practice and Saturday as well. Sunday morning at about 6:45 in the morning I headed over to the meeting hall 15 seconds from my dorm to meet the rest of the "Sing Team" and drive out to a little town about an hour away from Toalmas called something with a V. We made it safely there but when I was helping unpack the car I realized our tire was flat. Mal. But thankfully we were already there and someone from the church helped fix it. For the first service we sang three songs throughout the time. Then we had lunch. YUM. For the second service at 2:30 I sang "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and then we sang two other Hungarian songs. After the service we packed up and ate some more (YUM) and had fellowship with the people there and then made it home before dinner on campus! Monday started a class on the study of 1 John. Our teacher is from Long Beach but works at the Dallas Seminary and is quite entertaining at times.
This weekend I am planning on going to Prague and Vienna with the Brazilian girls and boys. Gotta love them!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Delight yourself in the Lord, 
and He will give you 
the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

When asked during devotionals last night what this meant to me, my first thought was just obedience. I thought, "Bam! Done! Bingo! I got it." As we went through the rest of devotionals, everyone had something a little different to say. I was brought to a lovely conclusion. As we delight ourselves in the Lord, our desires become conformed to His desires. When time is spent with God-whether in prayer or worship or just in awe of how amazing, wonderful, and gracious He is-our desires change. We begin to desire what our Lord and Savior desires for us. After all, His way is always the best way. Our desires conform to His desires and being us to the best possible place in life. This place is full of joy and happiness in knowing that God is with us. This is my latest discovery and I'm living it out(:

doing nails with Jess(:

And I'm learning a lot of Hungarian songs for Sing Team! So cool.

Here's two of them:

Have a blessed weekend, all my California Loves(:

Sunday, October 9, 2011


So it's like...super, duper, mega cold already. How am i ever going to survive this winter?! Aunt Nancy gave me an umbrella and I've used that once. So I have that covered. But I'm pretty sure some nice thick wool socks are needed ASAP!!! Or else I'm just never ever going to leave my bed again until it's warm again. 
Everyone says that California's weather is unpredictable, but really? Nobody ever took into account the fact that it was nice and hot here one day and the next I was freezing? No transitions; no warnings. On that note, I wrote my very own psalm for class today.

Oh man-the sky was gorgeous tonight!

Friday, October 7, 2011


Swinging at a campfire fellowship(:
photo cred: Felipe
Wow. I'm really bad at keeping up with this.
Life here is grand, of course! Getting used to the different schedules and way of life here at Word of Life. Time here is precious as we have classes, set meal times, ministries, homework, study hours, and jobs to complete. There seems like so many things to do and so little time. Also, we have to be in bed by 11 -__- So there's a bit of a struggle with that.
During chapel Monday through Thursday, at 10:00 a.m., we went through a short, short series focusing on Biblical Principles. We went through what it means to think, behave and live biblically. When one doesn't have principles upon which decisions are made, there is danger of being swayed from the truth. The foundation that was once strong becomes eroded and easily washed away. There are many influences that can create this. We need to build our foundation upon absolute truth-God's Word. So firstly, we have principles that are taken from the Word. Upon those principles we create a purpose (kind of a statement). WOL's purpose is to be a "biblically based discipleship program that will enable Christians to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ able to duplicate themselves in the lives of others." Here comes the best part-the plan. Upon the principles and the purpose we can start planning. Contrary to how we usually do things in life, we should make a plan last. That plan will have the purpose and principles to success. The homework assignment for each first year student to this particular branch of WOL was to create biblical principles, a purpose, and a plan for the music that we put in our ears. Needless to say, I was the first to turn my assignment in so that I could get it checked off by the deans and start listening to music again(:
Walking to the ATM in town on a hot, hot day
The rest of the week has been kind of...blah. No not really. We studied Angelology (the doctrine of angels), Anthropology, and Harmartiology (the doctrine of sin). Hartmiotology could have very well been very depressing because we talked over and over again how we are sinful and bad people and there is nothing we can do about it and the fact that there is always something deceitful going on in our hearts and that we are born with sin because of Adam and Eve (how's that for a run-on sentence). However, the class just reminded me once again that I cannot do anything on my own. Jesus died so that I would not be alone. Yes, I'm sinful. No, I shouldn't give up trying to be like Him. But ultimately, yes, He is in control and will make all things work together for good. It was so wonderful!